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Resources - Write/Edit for Hentzenwerke

Wanna write or edit a book? Here's all you need to know about how the publishing process works here.

Write/Edit for Hentzenwerke
So You Want to be an Author?

Your first job, if you haven’t done it already, is to read through all this and memorize it. You will be tested. Actually, you won’t be tested, but I’ll make fun of you if you ask a question that’s answered in the third paragraph, and my feelings will be hurt that you didn’t find this set of pages so compelling that you were late for dinner while reading it.

Second, figure out if you’ve got an idea for a book, or if you just want to write 'about something' but don’t have an idea yet.

Third, if you’ve got an idea, start working on your proposal. First, send me an inquiry about the general topic you want to write about - two to four sentences describing the topic and the audience. If I think that the topic is a match for HWP, then work on a full-blown proposal. Click here for more details on creating and submitting a proposal. 
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