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We hold conferences on various software development topics on occasion. Here's the scoop.

GLGDW (Great Lakes Great Database

GLOSAD (Great Lakes Open Source
Application Development conference)

(Great Lakes Great Database Workshop)

GLGDW 2006

April 21-24, 2006, Milwaukee, WI

Your Next Ten Years as a Visual FoxPro Developer
Strategies, Tactics and Best Practices for the Long Run

Microsoft has committed to VFP support through 2014. Given that even now, many companies are running FoxBase and FoxPro/DOS apps in DOS boxes or in Windows, it's highly likely that we'll see VFP apps running well beyond 2016.

But we've also seen that there won't be any more major developments in VFP - so now's a great time to take a look at the app you're using and enhance/rearchitect/rebuild it for the next decade of use.

What can you, the developer who is committed to VFP as a long term development platform, do to optimize the next ten years of your life?

This is the question that GLGDW 2006 is going to answer.

This is not a marketing conference masquerading as a technical conference. This is not FoxPro for Dummies. There are no 'Intro to X' pre-cons or 'How to use feature Y' sessions here. This is an advanced workshop - for experts.

This is a workshop for thoughtful people with attention spans. This is an event about wisdom.

Click here for details. Back to Top

(Great Lakes Open Source Application Development conference)


You know what The Next Big Thing is going to be in the application development world? Building custom business applications and vertical market apps using open source software. It's less expensive, more secure, and many tools are cross platform. And GLOSAD is where we're going to talking about how to do it.

Click here for details. Back to Top

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