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Visual FoxPro Best Practices for the Next Ten Years (ebook only)
(GLGDW 2006 Conference Proceedings)

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by (multiple contributors)

ISBN: 978-1-930919-57-0
Length: 415 pages
Formats Available: Ebook only
Printed book format: N/A
Ebook format: PDF (7.2 MB)
Price ($US): 75.00
Weight: 0.0 lbs.
Press date: May, 2006

Printed book availability: N/A
Ebook availability: Available for download
Source code: Available for download, also includes slides from each session and additional materials.

Complete proceedings of the 2006 Great Lakes Great Database Workshop. The workshop consisted of one track, 14 sessions held sequentially from Friday night through Monday noon, covering virtually every major aspect of Fox development best practices.

Whitepapers: 415 pages in a single PDF file. Slides: 14 slide presentations in their entirety. Source code: All source code for the sessions (some sessions didn't have source code.)

14 sessions examining Best Practices for Visual FoxPro
  Presented by 10 internationally-known experts, individually and on panels
  Intense, information-packed 90 minute sessions
  30 minute breaks designed for additional interaction with speakers and other attendees
  Classroom venue with tables and plenty of elbow room in a comfortable, personable setting
  Copius session notes

Session Topics include Best Practices for...
  Development Environment Setup, Error Handling and Reporting
  Class Design, User Interfaces
  Local and Remote Data Access, Refactoring
  Debugging, Reporting
  Project Management, Middle-Tier Design, Deployment
  Professional Developer's Toolkit

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