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Linux Network Printing with JetDirect

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by Whil Hentzen
Length: 15 pgs
Formats Available: PDF
Press date: 2004/4/26
Source code: N/A

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Hewlett Packard's JetDirect print server allows you to make a printer available to an entire network simply by plugging an Ethernet cable into the JetDirect device which then connects to the printer. All that's left is a little configuration. Or so the marketing literature says. It's a little more complicated than that in the real world, where you have to know all of the steps, and follow them in order. That said, once the entire process is laid out line by line, hooking up a JetDirect print server is fairly straightforward.

Table of Contents

1. Preface
1.1. Copyright
1.2. Revisions
1.2.1. History
1.2.2. New version
1.2.3. Feedback and corrections
1.3. References and acknowledgments
1.4. Disclaimer
1.5. Prerequisites

2. Introduction

3. The big picture

4. The details - step by step
4.1 What you'll need
4.2 Physical hookup
4.3 Assigning an IP address
4.3.1 Self-asigned IP addresses
4.3.2 A IP address
4.3.3 Changing the IP address via telnet
4.3.4 Changing the IP address via DHCP
4.3.5 So what do I change my IP address to?
4.4 Configuring a print queue

5. Advanced Topics
5.1 Setting the IP address via ARP
5.2 How JetDirect IP addresses are assigned

6. Where to go for more information

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