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Painless Legacy FoxPro Applications on Modern Networks (ebook only)

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by Alan Bourke
Edited by Mark Austen

ISBN: 1-930919-55-7
Length: 74 pages
Formats Available: Ebook only
Printed book format: N/A
Ebook format: PDF (2.9 MB)
Price ($US): 29.95
Weight: 0.0 lbs.
Press date: October, 2003

Printed book availability: N/A
Ebook availability: Complete & Ready for Download
Source code: No source code

There are still a lot of applications written in Foxpro for DOS and Foxpro for Windows running successfully on modern networks, and a lot of people who install and support them.

This book describes how FoxPro/DOS and FoxPro/Windows applications run on current versions of Windows, to describe the best approaches for configuring the environment in which a multi-user legacy FoxPro application runs, and to suggest ways of handling problems.

The book is written for professional developers who have older applications that are still in use. It is also aimed at technical personnel who are not necessarily FoxPro developers but are charged with installing and supporting legacy applications on current networks. As a result, this book isn't concerned with development per se but will be more of a general guide to relevant operating system and network issues.

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