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Making Sense of Sedna and SP2

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by  Tamar E. Granor, Doug Hennig, Toni Feltman, Cathy Pountney, Rick Schummer, Bo Durban
ISBN: 978 393 713 3058
Length: 242 pages
Formats Available: Printed (incl. ebook) or Ebook only
Printed book format: Paperback, 7"x9"
Ebook format: PDF (5 MB)
Price : Contact
Weight: 2.0 lbs.
Weight: 1.1 lbs.
Press date: June, 2010

Printed book availability: Contact
Ebook availability: Complete &Contact
Source code: Contact

What is this book about? What is Sedna? What is Service Pack 2? When Microsoft released Visual FoxPro 9.0 at the end of 2004, they began asking the Fox community what enhancements would warrant development of a VFP 10. In particular, they were looking for so-called "back of the box" features, things that would be selling points for a new version.

Although a few big ideas were floated (especially breaking the 2GB limit for table files), it rapidly became apparent that VFP 9 was a mature product. With its major renovation to the Report Designer and even more open architecture than earlier versions, VFP 9 contained the tools needed to develop powerful desktop applications, as well as front-end and middle-tier objects for enterprise applications using a back-end server.

On the other hand, looking forward, it was clear that there was a need for more interoperability with .NET and other technologies. So in June, 2005, Microsoft posted a roadmap for Visual FoxPro. It announced a project code-named Sedna, focused primarily on interoperability. Sedna was proposed to comprise add-ons to the core product, things that wouldn't require changes to VFP.EXE. At the time, it was unclear whether Sedna would become VFP 9.1, VFP 9.5, VFP 10, or something else entirely, as well as whether it would be free or for sale.

Following Microsoft's current model, the Sedna components were made available to the community as they were being developed, through a series of Community Technology Previews (CTPs).

In December, 2005, Service Pack 1 for VFP 9 was released; it contained a number of bug fixes, as well as updates to some of the Xbase tools that come with VFP. In March, 2007, Microsoft announced that Sedna, together with another Service Pack, would constitute the final release for VFP. The Sedna components would be released as open source, and placed on CodePlex, the community development site for Microsoft products.

Service Pack 2 was released in October, 2007; Sedna took a few more months to complete and was released in January, 2008. Both are available as free downloads from Microsoft's VFP website ( The Sedna download includes the source code for its components. Updated versions can be downloaded from the VFPX project at CodePlex (

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